Monday 4 June 2012

Health Care, Electricity and Unfathomable Love

Today I'm grateful for access to good health care. It might not be perfect, but it's so much better than what most people across the world have...I just have to drive a few blocks to see my doctor, friends of ours in Cuba have to travel anywhere up to several hours by hot crowded buses. Health care for my little Born in Kenya or Khith in Cambodia is 2 hours away. And if I need any medicine, I just pop in to my nearest pharmacy with the doctor's prescription in hand and get it, and it will probably be free. Not so in many other places. Cuba might have some of the best doctors, well-trained and all, but they don't have access to some of even the most basic medicines. And even if the medicine is available, most Cubans cannot afford to pay for it. I do thank You Lord for the wealth of medical resources available to me and my loved ones here in Canada...but my heart cannot rejoice so freely knowing that so many of my loved ones elsewhere are in need, so I ask You to bless each one with whatever they need to be healthy and happy. Open the eyes, hearts and wallets of all those who are in positions of power and ability to make whatever changes necessary to make it possible for all to access good health care in whatever corner of the world they live in.

I'm also grateful for electricity, the power to bring light into my own home at the flick of a switch, to store food safely in a refrigerator, and to cook entire meals in a good-working oven. Everytime I stand at the stove to cook anything, I'm mindful of my friends who have to stand outside and cook on a tiny two-burner propane camp stove. I'm awed that they are able to cook all of their meals for their entire families (8-10 people), often with no electricity and in most cases, no oven. Thank You Lord for electricity. Thank You for the wealth of resources available to me here in Canada...again, I ask You to bless our loved ones in other parts of the world who struggle against unreliable (or no) electricity, inclement weather and hordes of mosquitoes just to put together a simple meal for their families. I don't know what exactly to seems monumental and complex...but You know the needs and the obstacles, so I just pray that You do whatever it takes to provide all with whatever they need to provide sustenance to their families.

And I'm grateful for my husband. He might not be perfect, but he loves me, and I often cannot fathom why he loves me, but he does and that makes all the difference in the world.

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