Tuesday 5 June 2012

Walks in the Sunshine, People and Fried Onions

Today I'm grateful for the beautiful day I spent with my husband. We were supposed to do more vacuuming in our neighbour's house, but after several days of rain, the sunshine was too tempting. So we drove downtown and spent all morning walking along the canal, past the Parliament Buildings, along the locks and finally ended up at one of our favourite restaurants for a buffet lunch. Thank You Lord for the glorious sunshine, the freedom of time and the beauty of nature all around us today. It was a really nice day!

I'm grateful for the people God has continuously brought into my life...to inspire, mentor, teach, companion - and to remind me of the things that I need to remember about life, love, compassion and kindness. Thank You Lord for each and every person...You know how much I cherish each person's presence and gift in my life...You know how painful it has been lately to have to accept the reality that not everyone can stay. Continue to teach me to be open to their arrivals in my life, and understanding of their leaving when it's time for them - or me - to move on. I would rather hold on to every single one of them and continue to treasure their presence, but that's not how it works, is it. I'm so grateful that they have been a part of my life at all, how much richer I am because of each person's presence and companionship along the way.

And I'm grateful for fried onions. Yummmmmmmmmmyyyyyyy. I'm not sure what it means that I can't get enough of them. :))


  1. Perhaps each person has a purpose in our life, and when that is fulfilled, they move on to help someone else?

  2. Everything I've been reading lately affirms that, Ruth. And since it brings more peace than any other possible reason I can come up with, it seems the best way to look at it.
