Sunday 17 June 2012

My Dad, Bacon and Waterfalls

Today I'm most grateful for my Dad. I had a wonderful father, but didn't really understand my good fortune until after he died. I hope that wherever he is, he knows how thankful I am for all that he was, gave and did for his family...and also very grateful for all that he wasn't and didn't that I know what some fathers are like, I'm especially blessed and grateful for mine!

I'm grateful for all the yummy bacon on that Ultimate BLT that we had for lunch today. I love bacon!!

I'm grateful that we've whittled down the workload at the neighbour's house to about another 2 hours worth of cleaning left to do. And we finally found out what to do with everything that's left to get rid of, and I'm so happy that they will allow us to give it to someone we know who really needs it.

I'm grateful that God brings into our lives people that we're able to help out - and then provides us with the things that we need to help them out!!! How serendipitous is that?!! I love it!!

And I'm grateful for all the beautiful flowers, waterfalls and river-views that we enjoyed on our walk this morning. It's a pretty city and I'm glad that we're finally getting out to explore and enjoy it!

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