Friday 15 June 2012

Sweet Potato Fries, Time and Mobility

Today I'm grateful for sweet potato fries, and the waitress who let me substitute sweet potato fries for regular ones for lunch today. The fries were delicious and the waitress delightful!

I'm also grateful that we're almost finished cleaning out the neighbour's more room to go! We'll tackle that one (the kitchen) tomorrow and should be all done by the end of the weekend! Whoo hoo!!

I'm also thankful for the way my clothes smell after hanging on the line all morning. Mmmmmm goood!

Goldie Hawn says we should try to write down FIVE things we're grateful for each I'll add two more...

I'm grateful that I have feet, legs and strength to walk. I saw many people in wheelchairs today who are not able to walk, and they reminded me how wonderful it is to still be independently mobile!

And I'm thankful for being retired, and specifically for having time to have a leisurely cup of Earl Grey tea in the afternoon...a luxury that was never possible when I was working full-time because my breaks were never long enough for me to steep it the way I like it! Now I have the time to not only steep the tea but to drink it at my own pace too!!

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